Back in month one of the race, while we were in Honduras, my team lead J was talking about some of her time doing missions in the Middle East. She was telling stories of Muslims coming to Jesus. She told me the ways she was able to do ministry and some of what she had done over there. She told me about the muslims devotion to their religion and how it is stronger than most Christian’s devotion to the Lord. She showed me this movie called “Sheep Among Wolves”, it is a documentary on YouTube. It shows and talks about how radically they love Jesus over in the countries where you can lose your life for worshipping and following Him. The people in this documentary talked about how much they were willing to give up. How they would give their bodies over for torture, shame, rape, abuse, whatever the cost, all for the gospel. They would do anything for the gospel to be shared. They understand the importance and the impact of the gospel. The church is exploding in some of those countries where you can die for serving Jesus. Jesus is coming to them in dreams and visions. I researched and learned more and more about people groups in the 10/40 and through all of that a desire was placed in my heart to go there. A passion for this people group has grown in me since then.
I’m not going to the places where you can lose your life by sharing the gospel openly, but it still can be dangerous. I am going into countries where 90% or more are all Muslims, they are still technically Unreached. The 10/40 is very important in this late hour of history. We as Christians need to be senders and goers as the great commission commands. I am willing to go and if need be lay my life down. These places are safe to go to short term, there is nothing to worry about, but on the very slight off chance of the New Testament taking place in my own life with persecution’s and suffering I am ok with that. The gospel is important, it’s up to us as the church to send people to go and also to go. It is commanded for us to make disciples of all nations. We all have passions but our purpose is to tell our passion what our purpose is and our purpose is to make Christ known through everything we do. We should go into the world and preach the full unfiltered truth of who Christ is and what He has done for us. I am so excited to go into these places and tell people what Jesus has done for them and what is awaiting for us as we hope for future glory with our Savior. Because He is the only way to heaven. He came not just with words but with power and freely gave his life for our salvation.
In the 10/40 it will all be ATL (Ask the Lord ministry), that means asking the Lord what he wants us to do. It means as we go about our lives we are doing life on ministry and ministry is life. It will mostly be evangelism but if the Lord has anything specific for us to do, we will follow his voice. We will be evangelizing to Muslims and people of other beliefs. We will be making disciples not just converts but true followers of Jesus.
We are going to Egypt, Jordan, and Kyrgyzstan. We will spend January 4th-30th training for our trip to the 10/40. We will come back home may 25th. In this training we will be learning more about the Muslim religion, learning how to evangelize better in that culture, and also how to be careful as well. There will be a lot they prepare us for and disciple us in as we get ready for this trip. I am beyond excited to be able to be the hands and feet of Jesus in such an important part of the world.
With all of this being said I get to fundraise again! The Lord is going to provide big time I know he will! I need to raise 9,300$ this money covers, travel (by plane, by car, local transport and transport from country to country), lodging (the place we will stay and sleep in each country), food ( which we will most likely cook for ourselves not eating out but cheap filler foods), insurance, ministry supplies, training, and our time at AIM. This money that is fundraised covers all of that.
I pay for personal hygiene products, haircuts, laundry, equipment and the adventures we take. All of that comes out of my own personal pocket.
So with that if you would like to support me in this trip there is a few ways you can do that. You can partner with me financially. You can partner with me by praying for fundraising and for me as I am on the field because I always need prayer warriors and interceders with all of the spiritual warfare that takes place out here. You can also tell someone and explain to them what I am doing and connect a potential supporter with me! Also you can share this blog, the link with your church, your friends, on social media or wherever all these things are very helpful and support me in an amazing way. Here is the link to donate if you feel lead to. It can also be found on my blog page. It is a tax deductible donation.
I am so thankful for each one of you, my supporters. If you would like to call and talk to me, or email me for more info or to know more info on how the money has been used this year and how it will be used next year feel free to reach out. If not either of those things you can still reach out with questions comments or concerns. You are a part of this journey as well! I know I haven’t reached out or posted like I should and that’s my fault but I hope there is grace for me in that. I love you all and thank you so much! Until next time. Below is my contact info.
[email protected] is my email.
1-731-610-7186 is my phone number
Wow, Zach! This is going to be powerful! We’re so proud of you for the “yes” in your heart to go and be the hands and feet of Jesus to these unreached people. You know we will be supporting you all the way. We love you Zach!
Proud of you for following what God has laid on your heart to do.
Thankful I got to be a part of what King Jesus is doing in your life. Zeal spreads like wildfire!!! Keep preaching the Kingdom left & right. The final frontier needs more laborers. -J