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When we first landed in Honduras we arrived here around midnight and still had to go through customs and had to travel to the ministry location. We all piled into two trucks and drove towards the town. We arrived here at the ministry sight around 3am. It is such a crazy experience for me. Before this I haven’t been on a plane in over 10 years, I have never left the country, also moved left my hometown for longer than like 3 weeks, and this is my first mission trip.  It has been such an experience and was a cultural shock when i arrived. Also coming to the realization I won’t be able to see my friends or be a part of there lives much while I’m here. Also, missing big events in my friends and family’s lives. Being the 12th day out here I have moved past the cultural shock and have come to the understanding that i am abandoning all that for a time. So, I am pressing into community and what the Lord is trying to teach me while I am out here.


Some of the ministry opportunities we have are things like VBS, worship at church, evangelizing in the town, community outreaches and also we will have the opportunity to preach at the church. The worship that a few of your team members has been able to put together for the church has been really incredible. They came together not ever playing or singing together before hand and they have made something really good out of it. While they sing in English and the rest of the church sings in Spanish it is a really beautiful and sweet thing to experience. We all worship the same God every tribe and every tongue under one God. It is one thing to know about that and another thing to experience it. The VBS’s have continued to grow each time we have had them. It has almost doubled since the first one we had already. The kids love it as they are having fun, learning about Jesus and getting fed. 


The housing situation and food here is better than I expected it to be. We are actually able to stay here in a house with beds, a kitchen and a bathroom. Now granted we rarely have running water but we have a water reservoir that we can get buckets of water to shower and wash dishes in.  The running water isn’t potable nor is the reservoir but we can buy clean water very cheap here. The electricity also goes in and out and we have no air conditioner. The temperature has been upwards of 90 with a really high humidity. So with that being said it has taken some adjusting going from the cold weather to hot weather where I am sweating most of the time. It is something I am adjusting to though. Most of the food here has been really good other than it being mostly carbs and meat. The carbs being rice, tortillas, or potatoes. We had the ability to cook as a team a few nights ago and we had a vegetable stir fry, and some noodles, we haven’t eaten many vegetables because it’s not something that is widely available here. But we do get to eat a lot of fruit since that is widely available mainly bananas and plantains.


The Lord has been teaching me a lot of things so far while I’ve been out here. The abandonment of friends, family, material things, and just all the things that I will miss from taking this journey is one thing. I have been learning how important abandonment is in the Christian walk. It is so important into coming to complete dependence on the Lord. It talks about it in scripture when the disciples left everything and went out with nothing. It’s also something AIM talks a lot about. The book they gave us titled Kingdom Journey by Seth Barnes goes into detail on those topics as well. It is something that every Christian should definitely experience. Abandonment is about experiencing what it means to leave your comforts behind with minimal items and taking a journey while experiencing the Lord along the way. Also, I am currently learning and walking out what it means to walk every step completely in tune with the spirit. I want to make every decision, every movement and every utterance however the spirit leads me. I see my leaders walking so in tune with the spirit and it is something I am praying for. It’s something I feel like I was doing well at one time in my life but lost it somewhere along the way. I know the Lord will teach me and bless me with that in his time. 


With that I know the Lord holds many more great things this year this is only just the beginning. I am expecting more lessons and crazy encounters from the Lord. I know he will use my yes in a very special way and will reward the availability. I just wanted to post an update and put some details on here I love and appreciate you all I got some photos from the field posted below enjoy! 

 Photo creds to Lindsey Williams 

7 responses to “Life on The Field”

  1. You are an awesome man of God! Keep trusting & obeying! There are greater things in store for you! Love you!! Praying for you & the team!????????

  2. Continuing in prayer for you and your fellow travelers. The first exposure to other cultures is an eye-opener. I know you will grow in so many ways, especially spiritually. Do not be discouraged for those times when you miss your family and the familiar, things get crazy or you wonder why you are doing this. God led you to this and He will sustain you. Blessing!

  3. I saw those words My First Mission Trip. Continued prayers for you and your team. I reading the update.

  4. Prayers daily for you and your work. You are a special person and God is doing great things for you and thru you. God Bless

  5. Wow, Zach! This is so powerful! As you talk about abandonment, I can hear what you’re saying from your heart and can feel what you’re saying deep in my bones. We’re so proud of you for your “yes” and your pure heart toward the Lord. He will never disappoint you! I know that He is drawing you closer and closer to HIM! Allow yourself to dream with HIM. Praying for you in that deep dive! Love you!

  6. Zach you are doing an awesome job. It is clear that you can see the importance of the mission ahead of you and the importance of humbling yourself before the Lord by leaving your worldly life behind and all your possessions and turning yourself over to Him to do as He leads you to do. As you continue to do these things and daily see Him in prayer you will gain that continual spirit that you seek. You have the most important tool and that us a desire to want to walk with Him everyday. He loves you so much. I am so proud of you for taking this enormous step. I know it wasn’t easy to leave all your loved ones behind and go out into the world but I know that you have what it takes to do this and the more involved you become with the people and with the service the less you will miss the life you left behind. You are awesome!

  7. Zach,

    I am so proud of you. I am praying for you safety and know that God has his hands on you.